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Moffett Productions, Inc.
Mr. Bill Moffett
16140 Kuykendahl, Suite 126
Houston, TX 77068
During the last twenty years, Bill Moffett has done just about everything a person can do in the radio broadcast industry, from disc jockey to programming to commercial production. His extensive background led him to start his own production company, Moffett Productions in Houston, Texas. If you listen to radio anywhere in North America, chances are good that you've heard Bill's unique voice and production style, concentrating lately on his main passion — virtually any form of motor sports. From NHRA to Winston Cup to local racetracks and promoters all over North America, Moffett Productions has become the main supplier of radio and television spots to the racing community.
When Bill decided to build his personal studio and production facility, he wanted each part of his production audio chain to provide the best in both audio quality and speed of operation. Instead of trying to adapt his style of production to the normal studio environment, Moffett Productions' entire facility was designed, specified and installed to operate like a finely tuned race car — to be fast, accurate and reliable. The thought and planning that went into every facet of the facility has helped Moffett Productions to become a successful enterprise, and a second major studio (identical to the Main Studio, with the addition of video editing capability) was recently added.