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If you were going to build your own personal castle fifty miles away from the nearest movie theatre, chances are good that you would want one of these - your own "beyond-state-of-the-art" media room, where watching a movie or listening to music is a thrilling experience. The interior decor - featuring large overstuffed couches and luxurious carpeting - is literally wrapped in Old West charm, and is one of the warmest and most inviting rooms that we've ever seen. But hidden behind the custom red velvet draperies and elegant cloth wall panels is the very best technology that the world of professional audio and video can provide.
Our client wanted to create a room that "picks up where home theatre leaves off," so our first task was to engineer a comprehensive set of absorptive panels, diffusive structures and custom bass traps to achieve an acoustic environment that supports audio playback without coloration or distortion. Next, we assembled the very finest professional audio and video components into an integrated system whose performance matches or exceeds the dubbing theatres and mixing rooms where the movies were originally created. Finally, we designed and coded the control system software so that anyone can easily operate this technological tour de force. Popcorn, anyone?